Problem with backtesting CSV data


Hello everyone,

I am pulling historical data from binance with csv and I want to create new symbols and backtest them on the strategies I wrote.

If I'm not mistaken, I can't open any position and I can't get trade information because I don't upload tick data. Binance history does not share tick data information. 

How can I solve this problem? I just want to load graphics with csv and backtest the strategies I wrote.

Thanks for everything, best regards

2022.02.06 19:55:54.154 initialization finished

2022.02.06 19:55:54.500 login (build 3185)
2022.02.06 19:55:54.521 4412 bytes of account info loaded
2022.02.06 19:55:54.521 1478 bytes of tester parameters loaded
2022.02.06 19:55:54.521 196 bytes of input parameters loaded
2022.02.06 19:55:54.529 31746 bytes of symbols list loaded (3984 symbols)
2022.02.06 19:55:54.529 expert file added: Experts\Alim Yapalim.ex5. 55134 bytes loaded
2022.02.06 19:55:54.542 4263 Mb available, 52 blocks set for ticks generating
2022.02.06 19:55:54.542 initial deposit 3000000.00 USD, leverage 1:10
2022.02.06 19:55:54.543 successfully initialized
2022.02.06 19:55:54.543 78 Kb of total initialization data received
2022.02.06 19:55:54.543 Intel Core i7-4800MQ  @ 2.70GHz, 7609 MB
2022.02.06 19:55:54.564 debug version of 'Alim Yapalim.ex5', please recompile it
2022.02.06 19:55:54.573 xrp: symbol to be synchronized
2022.02.06 19:55:54.573 xrp: symbol synchronized, 3880 bytes of symbol info received
2022.02.06 19:55:54.573 xrp: history synchronization started
2022.02.06 19:55:54.574 xrp: load 21 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:00.000
2022.02.06 19:55:54.574 xrp: history synchronized from 2022.01.30 to 2022.02.05
2022.02.06 19:55:54.574 xrp: start time changed to 2022.01.31 00:00 to provide data at beginning
2022.02.06 19:55:54.574 xrp,M1: history cache allocated for 5306 bars and contains 163 bars from 2022.01.30 21:17 to 2022.01.30 23:59
2022.02.06 19:55:54.574 xrp,M1: history begins from 2022.01.30 21:17
2022.02.06 19:55:54.575 xrp,M1 (MetaQuotes-Demo): every tick generating
2022.02.06 19:55:54.575 xrp,M1: testing of Experts\Alim Yapalim.ex5 from 2022.01.30 00:00 to 2022.02.05 00:00 started
2022.02.06 19:55:54.599 2022.01.31 00:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 xrp at 0.00000 [Invalid price]
2022.02.06 19:55:56.010 final balance 3000000.00 USD
2022.02.06 19:55:56.017 xrp,M1: 1632349 ticks, 412 bars generated. Environment synchronized in 0:00:00.063. Test passed in 0:00:01.453 (including ticks preprocessing 0:00:00.109).
2022.02.06 19:55:56.017 xrp,M1: total time from login to stop testing 0:00:01.516 (including 0:00:00.063 for history data synchronization)
2022.02.06 19:55:56.017 435 Mb memory used including 0.47 Mb of history data, 64 Mb of tick data
2022.02.06 19:55:56.017 log file "C:\Users\Kaan\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Tester\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075\Agent-\logs\20220206.log" written
2022.02.06 19:55:56.018 test Experts\Alim Yapalim.ex5 on xrp,M1 thread finished

2022.02.06 19:55:56.030 prepare for shutdown

//|                                                 Alim Yapalim.mq5 |
//|                                     Meta Trader 5 - Mql5 Türkiye |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Meta Trader 5 - Mql5 Türkiye"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |

void kar_al()

CTrade islemlerim;

int i = PositionsTotal()-1;






void OnTick()

double bakiye = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
double kar = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_PROFIT);
double varlik = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);

MqlTradeRequest islem_ac;
MqlTradeResult islem_sonuc;


islem_ac.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
islem_ac.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
islem_ac.symbol = _Symbol;
islem_ac.volume = 0.10;
islem_ac.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;
islem_ac.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK); = 0;
islem_ac.deviation = 50;


if ((varlik - bakiye) >5)

