For loop, array & timeframe - page 2

Alexandre Borela #:
I am willing to bet he is jsc under a new username.

I think that you are probably right and would win that bet.

Unfortunately, I am unable to prove that 100% otherwise I would ban them for having multiple user names.

Dominik Egert #:
Ok, now write down what you need.

What's the input, what's going to be the output?

Ask yourself. Every function has this principal.
IPO -> Input - Processing - Output

When you design a function, write down what's going to be the input, what's going to be the output.

Then figure out, what information do you need to achieve this output from the given input.

Aquire the data, design data processing.

Now code what you have written. (Use comment-notation for your writings)

Then, to have good code, read examples, debug them step by step. See if you are using the syntax correctly.

Read basics of flow control. (Your if statement and the for loop are hilarious).

Learn about operators. There are multiple types. Boolean, arithmetic, bit arithmetic, pointer arithmetic....

Learn about variable types, memory alignment (pragma pack, ie), casting, converting.

Learn about type attributes (const, static, &, *)

Learn about arrays and their management.

Learn about scope, namespaces, validity, life time, difference about initialization, declaration, definition and assignment.

When you are done with all of that, you may begin to learn OOP. Not before!!

As you go forward, learn about compiler directives, macros and definitions.

As a rule of thumb, if you have to duplicate code, you are probably doing something wrong.

There is so much more to learn, listing it all would be to much and I have left out quite some topics. But this should give you a solid start into what you want to do.

It will take a few days to read all up, and you'll be reading the docs so often until you almost know them by heart.

I wish you lots of success and fun.
Alright, clearly I've got a lot to learn. Thanks the clear & concise message! Unlike other people lol