iPhone MT5 MetaQuotes ID



For some reason my MT5 App on my iPhone doesn't display my MetaQuotes ID... at the bottom of the messages screen it it literally just says "My MetaQuotes ID" but doesn't show the actual number (I've tried pressing on it but it doesn't lead anywhere).

Things I've already tried;

- Signing out and signing back into my MQL5 account

- Enabling Notifications

- Sending a message to a user

- Deleting and Re-Downloading the app

I have a photo attached of the message screen on MT5 on my phone

(Also, the MT4 app on my phone gives me an ID that I can message, just not the MT5)

Please help, I'm trying to link together my MT5 on my computer and on my phone, that's why I need the ID number.

Thank you!

H. Anthony Montgomery II

IMG_1258.png  193 kb