What is ST "send error 10038" ?


Good Afternoon !

Any ideia what is "send error 10038" @ the end of one ST log report ?

RF 0 17:17:45.000 Tester final balance 108760.00
EP 0 17:17:45.000 Tester OnTester result 1.147541401273885
MG 0 17:17:45.000 YouBotG9 (WIN$D,M30) 2014.12.05 23:59:59   OnDeinit_Uninitalization reason code = 1
FH 0 17:17:45.000 YouBotG9 (WIN$D,M30) 2014.12.05 23:59:59   OnDeinit_UninitReason = Another reason
OL 0 17:17:45.000 Tester WIN$D,M30: 51347 ticks (432 bars) generated within 8346 ms (total bars in history 8614, total time 8424 ms)
PO 0 17:17:45.000 Tester 656 Mb memory used
PE 0 17:17:45.000 Tester log file "C:\Users\USUARIO\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Tester\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075\Agent-\logs\20141206.log" written
GR 2 17:17:48.466 send error 10038
OM 0 17:17:48.466 Tester tester agent shutdown started
FE 0 17:17:48.466 Tester shutdown tester machine
NP 0 17:17:48.466 Tester tester agent shutdown finished 

MQL5 referenca has nothing and Google reports Socket/DLL !





Coutinho, não sei se é o caso, mas encontrei no forum russo uma discussão de um problema parecido, vai o link das paginas

https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/1111/page305 e a page306.