Socket/Websocket communication 4014 error


I am trying to create a communication interface between a python socket server and a Metatrader 5 Expert Advisor.

I've tried multiple approaches and tutorial's I found online for both sockets and websockets. All of these approaches yield the same problem.

Whenever I start a debug on live/historical data, I get a Socket creation error with code 4014. According to the error codes it is a "Function is not allowed for call" error.

Multiple sources recommended to allow web request from specified URL's. Ive done this as well for and localhost. (Tools > options > Expert Advisors)

Why am I getting a function not allowed for call error, and how can this be fixed?

Expert code:

int socket=SocketCreate();
int OnInit()
        Print("Connected to ","",":",9090);


void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTick()

Timeline for Metatrader 5 Python Socket/Websocket communication 4014 error
Timeline for Metatrader 5 Python Socket/Websocket communication 4014 error
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add "localhost" in "Allow WebRequest for listed URL" list