Greetings - oop - multi dimensional array question.

class PositionsForGoldStructure
   // PositionStructure holds the details used to populate per position.
   class PositionsStructure
      double dPipRangeValue;
        // ... more variables.
      PositionsStructure() { }

my question is. If you use a multi dimensional array x[][] to get a value as x[0][1] then it works fine for integers strings etc. when dealing with datatypes of classes or something else like structs i want to allocate an array value with a class and it's contents. would this be possible in mt5 ?
Chris Stols:
You can declare multidimensional arrays of other types. Post the exact problem you are having.
Alexandre Borela #:
You can declare multidimensional arrays of other types. Post the exact problem you are having.

Rudeness seldom goes hand in hand.

Question was given with exact details  what needs to be done.

Chris Stols #:

Rudeness seldom goes hand in hand.

Question was given with exact details  what needs to be done.

Rudeness? How was I rude since I answered clearly that ****you can in fact declare multidimensional arrays of classes****
and if you can't, your problem is elsewhere in the code.

Alexandre Borela #:

Rudeness? How was I rude since I answered clearly that ****you can in fact declare multidimensional arrays of classes****
and if you can't, your problem is elsewhere in the code.

People are crazy, don't be surprised.