How to avoid array out of range ?


Hello Everyone 
How to deal with or handle/avoid the array out of range error here :

      for(int i=0; i<=ObjectsTotal()-1; i++)
         string objName = ObjectName(0,i);
            string tempval= objName;
            string temtext= ObjectGetString(0,objName,OBJPROP_TEXT);

            int tempnum = (int)(tempval);
            for(int k=tempnum; k>=tempnum-20; k--)
                  RBuffer1[k] != EMPTY_VALUE)      

                  if(RBuffer2[k] != EMPTY_VALUE)    

I am sure there is something wrong with my logic but cant figure out what exactly , and the indicator works fine on some timeframes but on 2 ,3 timeframes it throws the error array out of range
the highlighted part is where I am receiving the error.

I don't know exactly what is going on due to lack of information, but it is very likely that the value of k is going negative and RBuffer1[k] or RBuffer2[k] is experiencing an array out of range error.