Wrong Monthly ROI calculation whenever I close a trade with a loss


Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have an idea what is going on and why ? 

Whenever I close a trade in profit, It will increase my monthly ROI as it should be, so everything is normal there. However, When I partially or totally close a trade with a loss, it will impact negatively the ROI, but was more than It should be, which impacts the featured ROI on the signals in a negative way. 

Any idea how to solve this issue ? 

About ROI calculation ... I remember 2 general ways of calculating ROI - I have no idea which way they selected for Signals. To say about it is wrong or not so it is necessary to know about how it was calculated (which way for example) or to know about your withdrawal or deposit to your account (because ROI depends on initial deposit size,equity and on lot size) .
Sergey Golubev #:
About ROI calculation ... I remember 2 general ways of calculating ROI - I have no idea which way they are selected for Signals. To say about it is wrong or not so it is necessary to know about how it was calculated (which way for example) or to know about your withdrawal or deposit to your account (because ROI depends on initial deposit size,equity and on lot size) .

Hi Sergey, thanks for replying. I did not add or withdraw in the account this month, so when I close 2 positions, 1 at loss, 1 at profit, with the same position size, no deposit/withdraw so same equity, there is an issue in how ROI is calculated when closing at loss. Probably a bug somewhere, but it's weird that it's impacted only me, very curious..