Find out Tester Pass Number in OnInit() or OnTick() Event?


Is there any chance to find out the tester pass number in OnInit() or OnTick() Event?

I mean this number:

Goal: Find out the optimized parameters and their values for each tester pass in the OnInit() or OnTick() event.

ParameterGetRange is not possible because it only works in the OnTester... events.

It's no problem to get all these informations when receiving a new frame, but it seems to be impossible to get them within a special pass.

Joerg Hartgen:

Is there any chance to find out the tester pass number in OnInit() or OnTick() Event?

I mean this number:

Goal: Find out the optimized parameters and their values for each tester pass in the OnInit() or OnTick() event.

ParameterGetRange is not possible because it only works in the OnTester... events.

It's no problem to get all these informations when receiving a new frame, but it seems to be impossible to get them within a special pass.

Doesn't make sense.

The EA standard events (OnInit, OnTick...) know nothing about a "pass".

And anyway the parameters used are well known as there are...parameters.