Discussion of article "Better Programmer (Part 03): Give Up doing these 5 things to become a successful MQL5 Programmer"


New article Better Programmer (Part 03): Give Up doing these 5 things to become a successful MQL5 Programmer has been published:

This is the must-read article for anyone wanting to improve their programming career. This article series is aimed at making you the best programmer you can possibly be, no matter how experienced you are. The discussed ideas work for MQL5 programming newbies as well as professionals.

Noobs are the most misunderstood coders, when It comes to coding world. Unpredictable is one of the biggest behaviors of a noob. You never know what they are coming up with inside their code, even if they tell you what they want to implement. Among all the reasons, the biggest reason is that they are Inconsistent in what they are doing.

In this third article of this series, we are going to see the 5 Habits to give up to have a successful MQL5 coding career.

Noob vs Pro

Author: Omega J Msigwa

feel free to add other habits in this discussion section