If your cloud protector is not working in MT5

  • Backup your codes
  • Logout if you are logged in the terminal
  • Exit MT5
  • Open your browser ,go to mql5.com
  • Change your password to be less than 10 characters
  • Open MT5
  • Login with the new short password
  • Close MT5
  • Open MT5 again
  • Open the Editor
  • Hit cloud protector
  • Done
  • Logout of the terminal
  • Go to mql5.com
  • Create a new longer password or keep the same one if you dont mind


So you are basically saying that a password of 10 characters or more is not working with the Cloud protector ?

Is 10 working or not ?

Alain Verleyen:

So you are basically saying that a password of 10 characters or more is not working with the Cloud protector ?

Is 10 working or not ?

I dont know , personally passwords usually are above 20 chars .

All i know is if i change it to less than 10 ,MT5 editor stuff works

i wont risk testing different lengths though


Lorentzos Roussos:

I dont know , personally passwords usually are above 20 chars .

All i know is if i change it to less than 10 ,MT5 editor stuff works

i wont risk testing different lengths though


I see thanks. I know the length of my working password anyway ;-)