Quick search in MT4 Navigator

just a simple issue on my side, i got over 1000 experts/indicators/scripts for production, and each time I have to find through the folders to select a tool, will MT4 have a search bar in navigator in the near future?
Yu Pang Chan: just a simple issue on my side, i got over 1000 experts/indicators/scripts for production, and each time I have to find through the folders to select a tool, will MT4 have a search bar in navigator in the near future?

NO! Active development on MT4 has stopped many years ago.

Use Windows Search on the MQL4 folder or organize them into a better folder structure.

Fernando Carreiro:

NO! Active development on MT4 has stopped many years ago.

Use Windows Search on the MQL4 folder or organize them into a better folder structure.

Thanks for your quick response :)

I have already split them into like 2 levels and 10 folders each, but still feel annoying when switching among codes. "Favorites" really helps but just hope if it can do more. :(

Anyway, thanks again.