SL Moving not correctly



I need some help please for a function. I have an EA, and when the SL moves, it only moves at the bid or ask price, like you can see in picture.

Below, i part of the code concern by the stop loss :

Can you help me please for that the SL moves at for example 30 pips?


Best Regards,

SL Moving

bool orders_management()
  double pips=Point;
  if(Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) pips=Point*10;
  //Volumen setting for 20 and 80%
  for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
      if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && magic==OrderMagicNumber())
        //30 pips
        if(MathAbs(OrderOpenPrice()-bid)>breakeven*pips && MathAbs(bid-stop_loss*pips)>OrderStopLoss())
            Print("OrderClose() not modified with 80% of profits, error: "+GetLastError());
          Print("Breakeven applied wit "+breakeven+" || trailing_stop active with trailing_stop: "+trailing_double+" pips");
          label_create("Breakeven applied"," || Breakeven applied || trailing_stop active with "+trailing_double+" pips",390,2,90,ys_label,clrBlue); //TimeHour(TimeCurrent())
            Print("FUNCTION: "+__FUNCTION__+"() || buy´s order modified successfully. Trailing_stop active with: "+trailing_double+"pips");
          else Print("FUNCTION: "+__FUNCTION__+"() || error: "+GetLastError());
      else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderMagicNumber()==magic && OrderSymbol()==Symbol())
        //30 pips
        if(MathAbs(OrderOpenPrice()-ask)>breakeven*pips && (ask+stop_loss*pips)<OrderStopLoss())
            Print("OrderClose() not modified with 80% of profits, error: "+GetLastError());
          Print("Breakeven applied with "+breakeven+" || trailing_stop active with trailing_stop: "+trailing_double+" pips");
          label_create("Breakeven applied"," || Breakeven applied || trailing_stop active with "+trailing_double+" pips",390,2,90,ys_label,clrBlue);
            Print("FUNCTION: "+__FUNCTION__+"() || sell´s order modified successfully. Trailing_stop active with: "+trailing_double+"pips");
          else Print("FUNCTION: "+__FUNCTION__+"() || error: "+GetLastError());
Nicolas Charles Christian Macary:


I need some help please for a function. I have an EA, and when the SL moves, it only moves at the bid or ask price, like you can see in picture.

Below, i part of the code concern by the stop loss :

Can you help me please for that the SL moves at for example 30 pips?


Best Regards,

i attached a trailingstop code here

place this one instead

set amount for trailingstop variable for e.x. (30)

this code will change stoploss every 30 pips

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