Take Full Advantage of Computational Power During the Strategy Optimization Process



I am wondering where I can get information about how the computational process during the strategy optimization works in Metatrader 5. How can I get the best computational results during that process. 

There is any limit of memory RAM per Core that Metatrader 5 has during the Strategy Optimization Process? Or it depends of the CPU of my computer? I guess is a mix of both but where can I know those parameters? 

For example, I have tried with few Dedicate Servers that has 16 Cores each and once I connect them to my computer via  MQL5 Cloud Network, Metatrader 5 limits to 8 Cores per Computer instead of those 16 Cores that each computer server has. Anyone know why is that? 

Please I would love to know information about this, I will really appreciate. 

Many thanks! :)

High Currency: I am wondering where I can get information about how the computational process during the strategy optimization works in Metatrader 5. How can I get the best computational results during that process. There is any limit of memory RAM per Core that Metatrader 5 has during the Strategy Optimization Process? Or it depends of the CPU of my computer? I guess is a mix of both but where can I know those parameters?For example, I have tried with few Dedicate Servers that has 16 Cores each and once I connect them to my computer via  MQL5 Cloud Network, Metatrader 5 limits to 8 Cores per Computer instead of those 16 Cores that each computer server has. Anyone know why is that? 

There is a difference between "Cores" and "Threads". It is usually the case that there will be 2 threads per core, but it is not always the case. Some cores (older ones) have only one thread per core, and some have 4 (or even 8) threads per core.

VPS service providers usually mix the concept of cores and threads as means of "promoting" their systems but it can be quite misleading at times. They usually mean "threads" and not cores, especially when it is Virtual CPU's. So, with that in mind, even if a VPS claims 16 cores, they probably mean 16 threads or 8 Cores (each running 2 threads).

Since MetaTester by default only allocates one service instance of MetaTester, one per core, it would allocate only 8 services and not 16. However, you are free to manually allocate 8 more service instances for a total of 16, but that will probably hurt your efficiency in the long run as the threads could overload each other especially if RAM usage will also need to be divided up more, reducing in overall efficiency.

Also, I believe, but don't know for certain, that when MetaTester allocates instances of services, it also takes into account the available RAM. Even if you have many cores, but not enough RAM for every instance, then it will allocate less services, I believe.



It a pleasure hear from you :)

High Currency: MANY THANKS FERNANDO FOR YOUR RESPONSE. It a pleasure hear from you :)
You are welcome!
Fernando Carreiro #:
You are welcome!

Fernando, you seem extremely knowledgeable in this -- just sent you a friend request!

I have spent thousands on building strategies coded in MT4 and am at the stage now where I need to mass test them on large timeframes with many variables. My optimizations seem to be extremely long (one estimated 40 days!) on my laptop. I've since moved over to AWS EC2 services to borrow some more computing power but haven't seen much of a difference. Do you have any tips, best practices, or recommendations on how I can speed up my Strategy Tester Optimization speed & performance on MT4? Any/all feedback is greatly appreciated!

kormandel #: Fernando, you seem extremely knowledgeable in this -- just sent you a friend request!

Thank you, but please note that I am unavailable for private consulting.

kormandel #: I have spent thousands on building strategies coded in MT4 and am at the stage now where I need to mass test them on large timeframes with many variables. My optimizations seem to be extremely long (one estimated 40 days!) on my laptop. I've since moved over to AWS EC2 services to borrow some more computing power but haven't seen much of a difference. Do you have any tips, best practices, or recommendations on how I can speed up my Strategy Tester Optimization speed & performance on MT4? Any/all feedback is greatly appreciated!

I no longer actively use MT4. I have moved on to MT5.

I also no longer do large optimisations. My code is mostly self-adapting and I only do small optimisations for analysing and debugging code.