Setting up a Multi Symbol Multi Time Period EA


I am new to MQL.

I am looking for a simple multi symbol multi time period EA template which can be used as a template to create new strategies?


sirinath: I am new to MQL. I am looking for a simple multi symbol multi time period EA template which can be used as a template to create new strategies?

That will not be easy, because multi-symbol, mult-timeframe EAs can be very complex, and there are many different types of strategies for that, which means you will most probably not find any kind of template. There may be some simpler examples of such EAs in the Codebase or maybe in the Articles section you may even find a good base explanation for such an EA.

However, given that you are new to MQL, such an EA will be WAY BEYOND your capabilities as a coder for the moment. Start by first learning the MQL language and coding very simplistic EAs. You cannot expect to learn to be an Olympic Athlete when you don't even know how to crawl yet.

Start at the beginning, and take baby-steps, and slowly work your way up to such a complexity.