two indicators in one simple EA



I am a great beginner, I am not a developer. But I took up the challenge of creating an EA.

For several days now, I have had a lot of difficulty making progress.


I am a great beginner, I am not a developer. But I took up the challenge of creating an EA.

For several days now, I have had a lot of difficulty making progress.

I just want to create an EA that is able to work with two indicators at the same time: the RSI and the TriX.

(For example :

if the rsi = 30 and trix = 0.0001 do that ...)

I manage to get the last value of the RSI, but I struggle to get that of the TriX ...

I have read a lot of topics on forums and technical docs, but I can't seem to find the solution

Here is the EA code,

thank you in advance for your help

//|                                                rsi-trix-test.mq5 |
//|                                                     Hamdi FOUZAI |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Hamdi FOUZAI"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

#include <GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh>


      the purpose of this code is to get 
      the current RSI and TRIX to be able 
      to code conditions and actions
      however, I cannot get the last value of the TRIX
      Thank you for your help

//| RSI Array    |

//---- arrays for indicators
double      RSI[];                // array for the indicator iRSI
//---- handles for indicators
int         RSI_handle;           // handle of the indicator iRSI

//| TRIX Array   |

//---- arrays for indicators
double      TriX[];                // array for the indicator iTriX
//---- handles for indicators
int         TriX_handle;           // handle of the indicator iTriX

//| Expert initialization function                                   |

int OnInit()

//| RSI          |

//--- creation of the indicator iRSI
//--- report if there was an error in object creation
      Print("The creation of iRSI has failed: Runtime error =",GetLastError());
      //--- forced program termination

//| TRIX         |
//--- creation of the indicator iTriX
//--- report if there was an error in object creation
      Print("The creation of iTriX has failed: Runtime error =",GetLastError());
      //--- forced program termination
//| set buffer index |

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |

void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |

void OnTick()

//| RSI          |

//--- filling an array RSI[] with current values of iRSI
//--- set indexation of array RSI[] as timeserie
//--- return if there was an error
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(RSI_handle,0,0,100,true,RSI)) return;

// I add this line to check that I get the current RSI
// It works   
Print("rsi value: ",RSI[0]);  

//| TRIX         |

//--- filling an array TriX[] with current values of iTriX
//--- set indexation of array TriX[] as timeseries
//--- return if there was an error
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(TriX_handle,1,0,100,true,TriX)) return; 

// I add this line to check that I get the current TRIX
// It doesn't works        
Print("trix value: ",TriX[0]);   


Your code does not even compile and you are mixing concepts of EAs and Indicators.

  • Don't use the function "SetIndexBuffer()" in EAs. They are for Indicators.
  • The function "CopyBufferAsSeries()" does not exist in MQL5. You probably meant to use "CopyBuffer()".
  • However, for "CopyBuffer()", the parameters you are using don't match for that function. There is an extra boolean parameter.

You probability wanted something like this maybe?

if(!CopyBuffer(RSI_handle,0,0,100,RSI)) return;
Print("rsi value: ",RSI[0]);  

if(!CopyBuffer(TriX_handle,1,100,100,TriX)) return; 
Print("rsi value: ",TriX[0]);

By the way, the function "CopyBufferAsSeries" is a user function (not a built-in function), created and described in following Article:

MQL5 for Newbies: Guide to Using Technical Indicators in Expert Advisors
MQL5 for Newbies: Guide to Using Technical Indicators in Expert Advisors
In order to obtain values of a built-in or custom indicator in an Expert Advisor, first its handle should be created using the corresponding function. Examples in the article show how to use this or that technical indicator while creating your own programs. The article describes indicators that are built n the MQL5 language. It is intended for those who don't have much experience in the development of trading strategies and offers simple and clear ways of working with indicators using the offered library of functions.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

How to start with MQL5

Vladimir Karputov, 2020.07.05 15:58

An example of get values from the iRSI indicator

Code: iRSI get value.mq5

Do not forget the rules: create the indicator handle ONCE in OnInit, 

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create handle of the indicator iRSI
//--- if the handle is not created
      //--- tell about the failure and output the error code
      PrintFormat("Failed to create handle of the iRSI indicator for the symbol %s/%s, error code %d",
      //--- the indicator is stopped early

use CopyBuffer to get the data:

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
   double rsi[];
   int start_pos=0,count=2;
   string text="";
   int limit=(count>2)?2:count;
   for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)
           " bar #"+IntegerToString(i)+": "+
           " rsi "+DoubleToString(rsi[i],2)+"\n";


iRSI get value

Рис. 1. iRSI get value

Fernando Carreiro:

Your code does not even compile and you are mixing concepts of EAs and Indicators.

  • Don't use the function "SetIndexBuffer()" in EAs. They are for Indicators.
  • The function "CopyBufferAsSeries()" does not exist in MQL5. You probably meant to use "CopyBuffer()".
  • However, for "CopyBuffer()", the parameters you are using don't match for that function. There is an extra boolean parameter.

Thank you very much for your support

My code compile with no errors in my editor, I use "MetaEditor Version 5.00 build 2885 14 April 2021"

here is the result of the code in the strategy tester 

I get the RSI value in the console but not the TRIX (see the picture capture-1.jpg attached file)

I modified the code in the OnTick() section with CopyBuffer, as you explain :

//| Expert tick function                                             |

void OnTick()

//| RSI          |

if(!CopyBuffer(RSI_handle,0,0,100,RSI)) return;
Print("rsi value: ",RSI[0]);

//| TRIX         |

if(!CopyBuffer(TriX_handle,1,100,100,TriX)) return; 
Print("Trix value: ",TriX[0]);

But now when I test it, 

  • TriX value is always 0
  • Rsi value is not the sama as the graph

(see capture-2.jpg attached)

maybe do you know where I am wrong? thank you for your help

Capture-1.jpg  431 kb
Capture-2.jpg  412 kb
Hamdi Fouzai: Thank you very much for your support. My code compile with no errors in my editor, I use "MetaEditor Version 5.00 build 2885 14 April 2021"

here is the result of the code in the strategy tester  I get the RSI value in the console but not the TRIX

We are unable to compile your code because you have not supplied all the necessary files. Your code depends on an include files which you did not supply, namely "GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh".

Since we did not have that file, all we can do is guess and give you advice based on what was given.

First correct the errors described by me (about "SetIndexBuffer" ) and also by Vladimir Karputov about the Indicator handles being initiallised properly in OnInit and then try again, to see what changes.

Should it not be resolved, then supply all files with your new changes.

Fernando Carreiro:

We are unable to compile your code because you have not supplied all the necessary files. Your code depends on an include files which you did not supply, namely "GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh".

Since we did not have that file, all we can do is guess and give you advice based on what was given.

First correct the errors described by me (about "SetIndexBuffer" ) and also by Vladimir Karputov about the Indicator handles being initiallised properly in OnInit and then try again, to see what changes.

Should it not be resolved, then supply all files with your new changes.

thank you Fernando 

here is the getindicatorbuffers.mqh

//|                                                      GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh |
//|                                                             Copyright DC2008 |
//|                                                 |
#property copyright "DC2008"
#property link      ""
//| Copies values of the indicator to the buffer                                 |
bool CopyBufferAsSeries(
                        int handle,      // handle
                        int bufer,       // buffer number
                        int start,       // start from
                        int number,      // number of elements to copy
                        bool asSeries,   // is as series
                        double &M[]      // target array for data
//--- filling M with current values of the indicator
   if(CopyBuffer(handle,bufer,start,number,M)<=0) return(false);
//--- setting ordering for M
//--- åñëè asSeries=true, the indexation of M as timeseries
//--- åñëè asSeries=false, the indexation of M as default
//| Copies the values of the indicator ADX to the arrays                         |
bool GetADXBuffers(int ADX_handle,
                   int start,
                   int number,
                   double &Main[],
                   double &PlusDI[],
                   double &MinusDI[],
                   bool asSeries=true  // as series
//--- Filling the array Main with the current values of MAIN_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(ADX_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Main)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array PlusDI with the current values of PLUSDI_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(ADX_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,PlusDI)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array MinusDI with the current values of MINUSDI_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(ADX_handle,2,start,number,asSeries,MinusDI)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator ADXWilder to the arrays                   |
bool GetADXWilderBuffers(int ADXWilder_handle,
                         int start,
                         int number,
                         double &Main[],
                         double &PlusDI[],
                         double &MinusDI[],
                         bool asSeries=true  // as series
//--- Filling the array Main with the current values of MAIN_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(ADXWilder_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Main)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array PlusDI with the current values of PLUSDI_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(ADXWilder_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,PlusDI)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array MinusDI with the current values of MINUSDI_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(ADXWilder_handle,2,start,number,asSeries,MinusDI)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator Alligator to the arrays                   |
bool GetAlligatorBuffers(int Alligator_handle,
                         int start,
                         int number,
                         double &Jaws[],
                         double &Teeth[],
                         double &Lips[],
                         bool asSeries=true  // as series
//--- Filling the array Jaws with the current values of GATORJAW_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Alligator_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Jaws)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Teeth with the current values of GATORTEETH_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Alligator_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Teeth)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Lips with the current values of GATORLIPS_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Alligator_handle,2,start,number,asSeries,Lips)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator Bands to the arrays                       |
bool GetBandsBuffers(int Bands_handle,
                     int start,
                     int number,
                     double &Base[],
                     double &Upper[],
                     double &Lower[],
                     bool asSeries=true  // as series
//--- Filling the array Base with the current values of BASE_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Bands_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Base)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Upper with the current values of UPPER_BAND
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Bands_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Upper)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Lower with the current values of LOWER_BAND
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Bands_handle,2,start,number,asSeries,Lower)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator Envelopes to the arrays                   |
bool GetEnvelopesBuffers(int Envelopes_handle,
                         int start,
                         int number,
                         double &Upper[],
                         double &Lower[],
                         bool asSeries=true       // as series
//--- Filling the array Upper with the current values of UPPER_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Envelopes_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Upper)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Lower with the current values of LOWER_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Envelopes_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Lower)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator Fractals to the arrays                   |
bool GetFractalsBuffers(int Fractals_handle,
                        int start,
                        int number,
                        double &Upper[],
                        double &Lower[],
                        bool asSeries=true       // as series
//--- Filling the array Upper with the current values of UPPER_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Fractals_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Upper)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Lower with the current values of LOWER_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Fractals_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Lower)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator Gator to the arrays                   |
bool GetGatorBuffers(int Gator_handle,
                     int start,
                     int number,
                     double &Upper[],
                     double &Lower[],
                     bool asSeries=true       // as series
//--- Filling the array Upper with the current values of UPPER_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Gator_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Upper)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Lower with the current values of LOWER_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Gator_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Lower)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator Ichimoku to the arrays                    |
bool GetIchimokuBuffers(int Ichimoku_handle,
                        int start,
                        int number,
                        double &Tenkansen[],
                        double &Kijunsen[],
                        double &SenkouspanA[],
                        double &SenkouspanB[],
                        double &Chinkouspan[],
                        bool asSeries=true       // as series
//--- Filling the array Tenkansen with the current values of TENKANSEN_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Ichimoku_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Tenkansen)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Kijunsen with the current values of KIJUNSEN_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Ichimoku_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Kijunsen)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array SenkouspanA with the current values of SENKOUSPANA_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Ichimoku_handle,2,start,number,asSeries,SenkouspanA)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array SenkouspanB with the current values of SENKOUSPANB_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Ichimoku_handle,3,start,number,asSeries,SenkouspanB)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Chinkouspan with the current values of CHINKOUSPAN_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Ichimoku_handle,4,start,number,asSeries,Chinkouspan)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator MACD to the arrays                        |
bool GetMACDBuffers(int MACD_handle,
                    int start,
                    int number,
                    double &Main[],
                    double &Signal[],
                    bool asSeries=true       // as series
//--- Filling the array Main with the current values of MAIN_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(MACD_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Main)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Signal with the current values of SIGNAL_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(MACD_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Signal)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator RVI to the arrays                         |
bool GetRVIBuffers(int RVI_handle,
                   int start,
                   int number,
                   double &Main[],
                   double &Signal[],
                   bool asSeries=true       // as series
//--- Filling the array Main with the current values of MAIN_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(RVI_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Main)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Signal with the current values of SIGNAL_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(RVI_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Signal)) return(false);
//| Copies the values of the indicator Stochastic to the arrays                  |
bool GetStochasticBuffers(int Stochastic_handle,
                          int start,
                          int number,
                          double &Main[],
                          double &Signal[],
                          bool asSeries=true       // as series
//--- Filling the array Main with the current values of MAIN_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Stochastic_handle,0,start,number,asSeries,Main)) return(false);
//--- Filling the array Signal with the current values of SIGNAL_LINE
   if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(Stochastic_handle,1,start,number,asSeries,Signal)) return(false);
Fernando Carreiro:

First correct the errors described by me (about "SetIndexBuffer" ) and also by Vladimir Karputov about the Indicator handles being initiallised properly in OnInit and then try again, to see what changes.

I don't know where is my errors in the OnInit section, I wrote this code after the tutorial of Vladimir Karputov (in this tutorial there is an example with all indicators, I copy/paste the example of RSI and Trix)

Hamdi Fouzai: But now when I test it, 

  • TriX value is always 0
  • Rsi value is not the sama as the graph

(see capture-2.jpg attached) maybe do you know where I am wrong? thank you for your help

Just noticed now, that you are trying to read the second buffer but Trix only has one buffer.

if(!CopyBuffer(TriX_handle,0,100,100,TriX)) return; // Use "0" not "1"

You also seem to be using a different start position than the RSI. Its not an error but it does not make much sense. Also make sure you really have that much data available in terms of Bars available.


With my first code I get only the RSI in the console of the strategy tester (see capture-1.jpg attached file)

With the CopyBuffer modifications, I get a false value of RSI and always no TriX (see capture-2.jpg ) and the code below

//|                                                rsi-trix-test.mq5 |
//|                                                     Hamdi FOUZAI |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Hamdi FOUZAI"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

#include <Getindicatorbuffers.mqh>


      the purpose of this code is to get 
      the current RSI and TRIX to be able 
      to code conditions and actions
      however, I cannot get the last value of the TRIX
      Thank you for your help

//| RSI Array    |

//---- arrays for indicators
double      RSI[];                // array for the indicator iRSI
//---- handles for indicators
int         RSI_handle;           // handle of the indicator iRSI

//| TRIX Array   |

//---- arrays for indicators
double      TriX[];                // array for the indicator iTriX
//---- handles for indicators
int         TriX_handle;           // handle of the indicator iTriX

//| Expert initialization function                                   |

int OnInit()

//| RSI          |

//--- creation of the indicator iRSI
//--- report if there was an error in object creation
      Print("The creation of iRSI has failed: Runtime error =",GetLastError());
      //--- forced program termination

//| TRIX         |
//--- creation of the indicator iTriX
//--- report if there was an error in object creation
      Print("The creation of iTriX has failed: Runtime error =",GetLastError());
      //--- forced program termination
//| set buffer index |

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |

void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |

void OnTick()

//| RSI          |

if(!CopyBuffer(RSI_handle,0,0,100,RSI)) return;
Print("rsi value: ",RSI[0]);

//| TRIX         |

if(!CopyBuffer(TriX_handle,1,100,100,TriX)) return; 
Print("Trix value: ",TriX[0]);
Capture-1.jpg  431 kb
Capture-2.jpg  412 kb