Libraries: Licensing class and script with 64bit Encryption (more Reliable) - page 2

Jason Kisogloo #:

It sounds exactly the way i would above functions to work with licence, however the above are just simple functions the keys would be d defined by the coder and what keys would be used to encode and code?

I ask you, please be specific. Encode IS NOT EQUAL encrypt.

You MUST distinguish these two fundamental difference.

You are using symmetric encryption/decryption. Both parties, the receiver and the sender will be using the same password.

Only one side defines the password ONCE. And hard codes it into the source file.

The other party has only access to the compiled binary, therefore cannot read the password.

At the top of your file, you would use a #define statement to set the hard coded password.

Then follow my lated out process to implement it correctly, please.

I repeat: Your current implementation is NOT ENCRYPTING anything!!!

It is ENCODING only!

Here again:

Data in:
Data -> Encrypt -> Encode -> Store or display.

Data out:
Data -> Decode -> Decrypt -> Store or compare.

Please correct the code to do what you advertise.
Jason Kisogloo #:

It sounds exactly the way i would above functions to work with licence, however the above are just simple functions the keys would be d defined by the coder and what keys would be used to encode and code?

Maybe I got your question wrong, for encoding, the key parameter can be empty. You do not need a key for encoding.

Even if you pass a key to encode a uchar array, it will be ignored.

Dominik Christian Egert #:
I ask you, please be specific. Encode IS NOT EQUAL encrypt.

You MUST distinguish these two fundamental difference.

You are using symmetric encryption/decryption. Both parties, the receiver and the sender will be using the same password.

Only one side defines the password ONCE. And hard codes it into the source file.

The other party has only access to the compiled binary, therefore cannot read the password.

At the top of your file, you would use a #define statement to set the hard coded password.

Then follow my lated out process to implement it correctly, please.

I repeat: Your current implementation is NOT ENCRYPTING anything!!!

It is ENCODING only!

Here again:

Data in:
Data -> Encrypt -> Encode -> Store or display.

Data out:
Data -> Decode -> Decrypt -> Store or compare.

Please correct the code to do what you advertise.
If we want to do things correctly, writing a password in clear in the source code is not safe either.
Alain Verleyen #:
If we want to do things correctly, writing a password in clear in the source code is not safe either.
I know.

Step by step. First let's have something actually working.