Database, reliable data information


Dear all, studing and developing trading strategies I have always problem to found reliable data to make backtest

Does someone know where would it be possible download reliable data? I need consistency data over 98% to be confident in back test and strategy choosen.

Thanks all in advance and good trading everybody.


In the past, I had a very good Russian friend share the financial data website, but because I seldom use EA and forget the website, there are financial data websites with complete data.

Thanks Zongda per feedback. Can you suggest website where to download data? (...or ask to your friend / give me contact to your friend)


Thanks Zongda per feedback. Can you suggest website where to download data? (...or ask to your friend / give me contact to your friend)

Did you try third party softwares??? Like Tickstory....

Thanks Thomas. I will check soon

I checked on Tickstory but I still have problem on reliability data. I am not able to process before 7 Decembre...really strange. (?) Any other kind suggestions guys, alternative to Tickstory? Thanks
