Need help to write EA based on 5 custom indicators signal

Good day everyone 

Please someone  should help me write EA based on 5 custom indicators signal 
Actually I don't know how to approach this issue 

Conditions of the EA 

_________________EA CONDITIONS 👇__________________

The conditions will be when two, three, four, or five indicator indicates same signal the EA should acknowledge and place order according to the signal buy or sell , but when one indicator indicates the EA should ignore and when two indicates a buy signal and another indicates sell signal same time same timeframe same chart the EA should acknowledge the buy signal and if three indicators indicator buy or sell signal and another indicates sell signal the EA should also acknowledge but if two indicates buy and another two indicates sell the EA should ignore (they are in confusion state) 

______________________EA FEATURES__________________

••••> Condition feature, the EA should acknowledge only two indicator signal ( can be toggled on and off) and the EA should acknowledge only three indicators signal and ignore two indicator signal ( can be toggled on and off)

Iwegbuna Chidera Clinton:
Good day everyone 

Please someone  should help me write EA based on 5 custom indicators signal 
Actually I don't know how to approach this issue 

Conditions of the EA 

_________________EA CONDITIONS 👇__________________

The conditions will be when two, three, four, or five indicator indicates same signal the EA should acknowledge and place order according to the signal buy or sell , but when one indicator indicates the EA should ignore and when two indicates a buy signal and another indicates sell signal same time same timeframe same chart the EA should acknowledge the buy signal and if three indicators indicator buy or sell signal and another indicates sell signal the EA should also acknowledge but if two indicates buy and another two indicates sell the EA should ignore (they are in confusion state) 

______________________EA FEATURES__________________

••••> Condition feature, the EA should acknowledge only two indicator signal ( can be toggled on and off) and the EA should acknowledge only three indicators signal and ignore two indicator signal ( can be toggled on and off)


look here

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Trading applications for MetaTrader 5 to order
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int buysignals = 0 ;
int sellsignals = 0 ;

if ( indicator1 == buy )
   buysignals += 1 ;
if ( indicator1 == sell )
   sellsignals += 1 ;
// repeat for other indicators

if ( ( buysignals > 1 ) && ( sellsignals < 2 ) )
   //execute buy

//repeat for sellsignals
Something like this for the conditions? Not really sure what you mean for the features. As amando was implying you are asking for quite a lot of help, you should try making the EA yourself and when you have a more specific problem ask here, or check other posts.