MQL5: with For..Loop Draw Arrow Function printing only 2 elements out of 10 in Array !!!


Hi Friends

I have created a testing EA to calculate High Low value index, and draw arrow for these points on chart. However, while using for..loop it is drawing only 0 and 1 element from the array(s). Rest of the elements 2 to 9 are not drawn.

Please help me to locate the issue ...

extern int   MajorSwingSize      = 3;
extern int   PeriodsInMajorSwing = 13;
extern int   MinorSwingSize      = 1;
extern int   PeriodsInMinorSwing = 5;

       int   idxMajorSwingHigh[];
       int   idxMinorSwingHigh[];
       int   idxMajorSwingLow[];
       int   idxMinorSwingLow[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function
int OnInit()
//| Initialization Function
void OnTick()
  MqlRates MyRates[];
  int data = CopyRates(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,0,Bars(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT),MyRates);

    int limit  = 1000;
    int countA = 0, countB = 0, countC = 0, countD = 0;
    for(int i = 1; i < limit; i++)
        // Minor Swing High Logic
        if(iHighest(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,MODE_HIGH,PeriodsInMinorSwing*2,i) == i + PeriodsInMinorSwing)
            if(countA < 10)
                idxMinorSwingHigh[countA] = (int)(i+PeriodsInMinorSwing);
        // Major Swing High Logic
            if(countB < 10)
                idxMajorSwingHigh[countB] = (int)(i+PeriodsInMajorSwing);
        // Minor Swing Low Logic
            if(countC < 10)
                idxMinorSwingLow[countC] = (int)(i+PeriodsInMinorSwing);
        // Major Swing Low Logic
            if(countD < 10)
                idxMajorSwingLow[countD] = (int)(i+PeriodsInMajorSwing);
    // Create OBJECT ARROW for High Low Points
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    // PRINT Statement to check array values
    for(int y = 0; y < 10; y++)
        Print("MAJOR [",y,"] High [",idxMajorSwingHigh[y],"] MyRates [",MyRates[idxMajorSwingHigh[y]].high,
                          "] Low  [",idxMajorSwingLow[y],"] MyRates [",MyRates[idxMajorSwingLow[y]].low,"]");
    for(int y = 0; y < 10; y++)
        Print("MINOR [",y,"] High [",idxMinorSwingHigh[y],"] MyRates [",MyRates[idxMinorSwingHigh[y]].high,
                          "] Low  [",idxMinorSwingLow[y],"] MyRates [",MyRates[idxMinorSwingLow[y]].low,"]");


//| Function: DrawArrow_HighLow()
bool DrawArrow_HighLow(const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  chartTimeFrame,     // chart's ID
                       string                 swingType,          // Major or Minor
                       string                 priceType,          // High or Low
                       datetime               anchorTime,         // anchor point time
                       double                 anchorPrice)        // anchor point price
    color             anchorColor = NULL;
    int               anchorWidth = NULL;
    string            arrowName   = NULL;
    ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR anchorPosition = NULL;

    if(swingType == "Major")
        anchorColor = clrPurple;                  anchorWidth = 3;
        if(priceType == "High")
            arrowName      = "Major Swing High";  anchorPosition = ANCHOR_TOP;
        else if(priceType == "Low")
            arrowName      = "Major Swing Low";   anchorPosition = ANCHOR_BOTTOM;
    else if(swingType == "Minor")
        anchorColor = clrCornflowerBlue;          anchorWidth = 1;
        if(priceType == "High")
            arrowName      = "Minor Swing High";  anchorPosition = ANCHOR_TOP;
        else if(priceType == "Low")
            arrowName      = "Minor Swing Low";   anchorPosition = ANCHOR_BOTTOM;
    ResetLastError();  //--- reset the error value
//--- create an arrow
            ": failed to create ArrowSwing_MajorHigh! Error code = ",GetLastError());
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,arrowName,OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,108);     // Arrow Code
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,arrowName,OBJPROP_ANCHOR,anchorPosition); // Anchor Type
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,arrowName,OBJPROP_COLOR,anchorColor); // Arrow Color
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,arrowName,OBJPROP_STYLE,DRAW_ARROW);  // BorderLine Style
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,arrowName,OBJPROP_WIDTH,anchorWidth); // Arrow Size
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,arrowName,OBJPROP_BACK,false);        // display in the foreground (false) or background (true)
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,arrowName,OBJPROP_HIDDEN,true);       // True = hide object name in the object list   
//--- successful execution
  } // END Of DrawArrow_HighLow()
//| Function: ArrowSwing_MajorHigh() --> Alternate code to print only MajorHigh Arrow
bool ArrowSwing_MajorHigh(const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  chartTimeFrame,     // chart's ID
                          datetime               timeMajorHigh,               // anchor point time
                          double                 priceMajorHigh)              // anchor point price
    ResetLastError();  //--- reset the error value
//--- create an arrow
   if(!ObjectCreate(chartTimeFrame,"Major Swing High",OBJ_ARROW,0,timeMajorHigh,priceMajorHigh))
            ": failed to create ArrowSwing_MajorHigh! Error code = ",GetLastError());
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,"Major Swing High",OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,108);     // Arrow Code
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,"Major Swing High",OBJPROP_ANCHOR,ANCHOR_TOP); // Anchor Type
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,"Major Swing High",OBJPROP_COLOR,clrPurple);   // Arrow Color
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,"Major Swing High",OBJPROP_STYLE,DRAW_ARROW);  // BorderLine Style
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,"Major Swing High",OBJPROP_WIDTH,3);           // Arrow Size
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,"Major Swing High",OBJPROP_BACK,false);        // display in the foreground (false) or background (true)
   ObjectSetInteger(chartTimeFrame,"Major Swing High",OBJPROP_HIDDEN,true);       // True = hide object name in the object list   
//--- successful execution

bool Check_IsNewCandle()
    bool   newCandle;
    static datetime dtBarCurrent  = WRONG_VALUE;
           datetime dtBarPrevious = dtBarCurrent;
    // "SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE" Open time of the last bar of the symbol - period
    dtBarCurrent = (datetime)SeriesInfoInteger(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE);  
    if(dtBarCurrent != dtBarPrevious)  newCandle = true;
    else                               newCandle = false;
  } // END Of Check_IsNewCandle()