Change variable value based on condition


I have different bitmap files which need to be placed on the chart.

For each bitmap I created #resource and #define, like

#resource       "\\Files\\1.bmp"
#resource       "\\Files\\2.bmp"
#resource       "\\Files\\3.bmp"

#define bmp1            "::Files\\1.bmp"
#define bmp2            "::Files\\2.bmp"
#define bmp3            "::Files\\3.bmp"

When EA is starting you can choose which image to be placed ( enum with 1,2,3 options) and obj bitmap label will be created.

I have custom obj bitmap function like this made from standard BitmapLabelCreate function. 

bool BitmapImagePlace(const string filename)
      0,                    //const long              chart_ID,               // chart's ID
      "Bitmap",                 //const string            name,                   // label name
      0,                    //const int               sub_window,             // subwindow index
      10,                    //const int               x,                      // X coordinate
      10,                    //const int               y,                      // Y coordinate
      filename,             //const string            file,                   // image in On mode
      0,                    //const int               width,                  // visibility scope X coordinate
      0,                    //const int               height,                 // visibility scope Y coordinate
      0,                    //const int               x_offset,               // visibility scope shift by X axis
      0,                    //const int               y_offset,               // visibility scope shift by Y axis
      0,                    //const bool              state,                  // pressed/released
      CORNER_LEFT_UPPER,    //const ENUM_BASE_CORNER  corner,                 // chart corner for anchoring
      ANCHOR_LEFT_UPPER,    //const ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT anchor,                 // anchor type
      clrRed,               //const color             clr,                    // border color when highlighted
      STYLE_SOLID,          //const ENUM_LINE_STYLE   style,                  // line style when highlighted
      1,                    //const int               point_width,            // move point size
      false,                //const bool              back,                   // in the background
      false,                //const bool              selection,              // highlight to move
      false,                //const bool              hidden,                 // hidden in the object list
      0                     //const long              z_order)                // priority for mouse click

I need something like

if enum is 1, then filename = bmp1

if enum is 2, then filename = bmp2

if enum is 3, then filename = bmp3