MT4 Multiple Close By- Bug or Limitation ?


We have experinced a problem about "Multiple Close By" process like that;

I consult a big exchange office. They make hundreds of transactions in a day,buying or selling. They had approximately 900 transactions in their pool, and they made "Multiple Close By"  as usual. But it was the first time, more than 600 buy positions stayed in their position pool. Now even they have sell positions they cannot make  "Multiple Close By" because  it does not appear on drop down menu. 

Multiple Close By is used,if you have buy positions and sell positions at same pair, you can close all mutually. For example you have 0.5 lot EURUSD SELL and 1.2 lot EURUSD BUY positions in total, if you execute 

"Multiple Close By" you will have 0.7 EURUSD BUY positions in the pool. You can execute this feature even when you have thousands of buy positions and sell positions at same pair, at any time.

But if you have first 512 positions are buy (or sell) positions then even if you have many other sell (or buy) positions you cannot execute "Multiple Close By" process. Because it does not appear on drop down menu.

As far as I understand, the system sorts the positions according to the order numbers. The smallest number is the first. In the first 512 positions, if you have 511 buy positions and only 1 sell position there is no problem even if you have thousands of positions buy or sell.

And I tested in demo account, and have found these results.

I posted two screenshots from a demo account. You can see total position (below Order Window ) numbers (with the indicator iExposure) and dropdown menu.

Screenshot 1 : Total Position: 512(Deals)    /       First 511 position : BUY -- and the last one (512th position) : SELL  ---> We can see  "Multiple Close By"

Screenshot 2 : Total Position: 513(Deals)   /        First 512 position : BUY -- and the last one (513th position) : SELL  ---> We cannot see  "Multiple Close By"

