File won’t upload to marketplace due to DLL - anyone got a fix?



I’m trying to upload a file to the marketplace but I receive an error message that external DLL’s are not allowed.. By default, I have these switched off so I’m a little confused and lost. Does anybody have a workaround / tip to help me get the file uploaded?

thanks in advance! 



I found it on the article: The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market

The programs distributed via the Market must have a guaranteed safety for users. Therefore, any attempts to use and DLL or functions from compiled EX4/EX5 files are considered mistakes. These products will not be published in the Market.

If your program needs to use additional indicators not present in the standard delivery, use Resources.

Documentation on MQL5: MQL5 programs / Resources
Documentation on MQL5: MQL5 programs / Resources
//| Calls standard OrderSend() and plays a sound                     | The example shows how to play sounds from files 'Ok.wav' and 'timeout.wav', which are included into the standard terminal package. These files are located in the folder is a folder, from which the MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal is started. The location of the terminal...
Sergey Golubev:

I found it on the article: The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market

The programs distributed via the Market must have a guaranteed safety for users. Therefore, any attempts to use and DLL or functions from compiled EX4/EX5 files are considered mistakes. These products will not be published in the Market.

If your program needs to use additional indicators not present in the standard delivery, use Resources.

Hi Sergey,
I'm a bit confused on that. I know Terms & Conditions clearly say: 

"Products must not contain calls to any DLL, including Microsoft Windows system libraries."

But this means I cannot use neither WinUser32.mqh to simulate a simple keypress. is it correct?
On the other way, I found some EA in the marketplace that uses Telegram to manage "remote orders" and I guess they are using a third party (Telegram) dll...

Can you please clarify my doubts?
Thanks in advance

What part of “any DLL” was unclear?