Libraries: MQL Plus Enhanced Error Handler Support


MQL Plus Enhanced Error Handler Support:

An (optional) include file to enhance error code handling experience.

Author: Dominik Egert


Updated version available. Please see details on code base for further instructions. Also refer to documentation supplied in header file lib_error.mqh


From now on this project is part of MQLplus Library and shared via Shared Cloud Storage. You can find the current source files under "MQLplus" "MQLplus Include Library Collection".

To make use of the shared binary library as well as on how to use the code, see the Shared Cloud Storage Project "LibError" "MQLplus Enhanced Error Handler Library". it includes two files, one to compile the actual library to binary, and another to show its usage.

For those who need to compile the source into one ex4/5 file, all you need to do is remove the define-flag as show and documented in the HowTo-Project.

Also I welcome anyone to contribute to the code.
