Why bdfxtrender indicator buffer cannot call?


I tried to call buffer value from this indicator

here indicator codes

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
//                     B D F X T R E N D E R   I N D I C A T O R                              //
//                          by fosgate_r    © January 2009                                    //
//                      URL : http://forexfreeea.blogspot.com/                                //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

#property copyright "© January 2009 fosgate_r"
#property link "http://forexfreeea.blogspot.com/"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 Gold
#property indicator_color2 Blue
#property indicator_color3 Red

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
//                            I N T E R N A L   V A R I A B L E S                             //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

double Space1[], Space2[], Space3[], Space4[], Space5[], Drun, B2;
int    Count = 100, Vx1,Vx2 ,i;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
//                             I N I T I A L I S A T I O N                                    //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

int init()
   IndicatorBuffers (5);
   SetIndexBuffer (2,Space1);
   SetIndexBuffer (1,Space2);
   SetIndexBuffer (0,Space3);
   SetIndexBuffer (3,Space4);
   SetIndexBuffer (4,Space5);
   SetIndexStyle  (2,DRAW_HISTOGRAM,STYLE_SOLID,2);//down
   SetIndexStyle  (1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM,STYLE_SOLID,2);//up
   SetIndexStyle  (0,DRAW_ARROW,STYLE_SOLID,2);//side

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
//                                M A I N   P R O C E D U R E                                 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

int start()
   Vx1 = Count;
   i   = ((((Bars-Count)-5)-Vx1)-1);

   while (i >= 0) 
      Space4[1] = 0;
      Vx2       = Vx1;
      while (Vx2 >= 1) 
         Drun      = 0;
         Space4[1] = (Space4[1] + ((Vx2-((Vx1+1)*0.333333)) * Close[((Vx1-Vx2)+i)]));
         Vx2       = Vx2-1;

      Space5[i] = ((Space4[1]*6)/(Vx1*(Vx1+1)));
      B2        = iMA(0,0,7,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,i);
      Space3[i] = Space5[i];
      Space2[i] = Space5[i];
      Space1[i] = Space5[i];
      if (((Space5[(i+1)]>Space5[i]) && (Space5[i]>B2)) == 1)  Space2[i] = 2147483647;
      {  if (((Space5[(i+1)]<Space5[i]) && (Space5[i]<B2))==1) Space1[i] = 2147483647;
         else  {  Space1[i] = 2147483647; Space2[i] = 2147483647;  }
      i = i-1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
//                               E N D   O F   I N D I C A T O R                              //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

I make double value as  this

double side = iCustom(NULL,0,"bdfxtrender",0,0);

double upp = iCustom(NULL,0,"bdfxtrender",1,0);

double dnn = iCustom(NULL,0,"bdfxtrender",2,0);

But nothing come to chart .

Do you know what is problem?

wrong buffer?

Aung Swar: But nothing come to chart . Do you know what is problem?
  1. Icustom reads values. It doesn't put anything on a chart.
  2. PICNIC. If you want to see the indicator, you put it on the chart.