Scripts: Improve your Strategy - Best Days To Trade MT4


Improve your Strategy - Best Days To Trade:

This is one of the important thing to consider in order to improve our strategy by calculating on average how much an asset moves, in which it will allow us to identify the best days to trade when the market moves the most as well as the worst days to trade in order to prevent trading during these days.

Author: forex jarvis


Thanks for sharing. Would it be possible to provide the option for selecting among these

- Difference between Hi & Lo

- Difference between Open & Close

- True Range

This feature would enhance the analysis and provide several perspectives to traders

Suwat Wat:

Thanks for sharing. Would it be possible to provide the option for selecting among these

- Difference between Hi & Lo

- Difference between Open & Close

- True Range

This feature would enhance the analysis and provide several perspectives to traders

Hello @Suwat Wat

Thanks for suggesting your idea. The script will actually calculate the difference between the high and the low of each candlestick which is the range of the candlestick and not the actual body (the difference between the open and the close, which is also the true range) of the candlestick. This script will identify how much the market moved at maximum.

Anyway Check out this file, it contains your suggestion. Hopefully it is useful.

You can also check the video that I've shared on my YouTube Channel, explaining how to use this script.


Thx for your code,

I am looking for best day to Trade, but i am seeing the best time to trade in this codebase, can you please recheck the download link file

thx again
