FileReadString can't read more than 8192 bytes (MQL5)


I am using the following function in mql5. (which is basically a copy-paste from the documentation

Why can't I read more than 8192 bytes from any file? The file read doesn't fail -- it just get's truncated. (No, there is no "\r\n" at location 8192.)

Perhaps @Alain Verleyen or @William Roeder have run into this issue?

string readFile(string InpFileName)


      string str = "";


      int file_handle=FileOpen(InpFileName,FILE_READ|FILE_BIN|FILE_ANSI|FILE_TXT);



         PrintFormat("%s file is available for reading",InpFileName);

         PrintFormat("File path: %s\\MQL5\\Files\\",TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH));

         //--- additional variables

         int    str_size;

         //--- read data from the file




            //--- read the string




         //--- close the file


         PrintFormat("Data is read, %s file is closed",InpFileName);



         PrintFormat("Failed to open %s file, Error code = %d",InpFileName,GetLastError());



FileReadString - File Functions - MQL4 Reference
FileReadString - File Functions - MQL4 Reference
When reading from a bin-file. the length of a string to read must be specified. When reading from a txt-file the string length is not required, and the string will be read from the current position to the line feed character "\r\n". When reading from a csv-file, the string length isn't required also, the string will be read from the current...
int file_handle=FileOpen(InpFileName,FILE_READ|FILE_BIN|FILE_ANSI|FILE_TXT);
  1. A file can be binary or it can be text. It can't be both.
  2. FileReadString only works with binary files.