Little help needed. Copy VLine has different date from paste VLine

This program actually copies and pasts vertical lines as intended but original date is different from paste date by up to 10 seconds. Why is that? Thanks in advance.
int OnInit()

void OnChartEvent(const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const string &sparam)
   if (ObjectType(sparam) == OBJ_VLINE && id == CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CREATE)           // Condition for creating only vertical line
      Print("(id = ",id,")", "(lparam = ",lparam,")", "(dparam = ",dparam,")", "(sparam = ",sparam,")", "(date = ", ObjectGet(sparam, OBJPROP_TIME),")");  // Test-print parameters
      datetime VLineDate = ObjectGet(sparam, OBJPROP_TIME1);                         // Declare VLineDate variable as datetime to hold the date                                                                       
      long nextChart,currChart=ChartFirst();                                        //--- variables for chart ID 
      int i=0,limit=100;
      while(i < limit)                                                              // We have certainly not more than 100 open charts 
         if(currChart<0) break;                                                     // Have reached the end of the chart list 
         if(ChartSymbol(currChart) != Symbol())
            Print("Chart_Symbol=", ChartSymbol(currChart), " Chart_ID=", currChart, " V_Line_Date=", VLineDate); 
            ObjectCreate(currChart,currChart,OBJ_VLINE,0,VLineDate,0,0,0);        // Create identical vertical line on open charts
         nextChart=ChartNext(currChart);                                            // Get the new chart ID by using the previous chart ID 
         currChart=nextChart;                                                       // let's save the current chart ID for the ChartNext() 
         i++;                                                                       // Do not forget to increase the counter 