Can't place a new order

How do i get my account out of investor mode so that i can trade on my laptop? I executed a couple trades and then once i downloaded the metatrader app on my phone,  my laptop went into investor mode and wont allow me place a new order.... please help!!!!
change investor password to your master password for this your trading account.
Loso B:
How do i get my account out of investor mode so that i can trade on my laptop? I executed a couple trades and then once i downloaded the metatrader app on my phone,  my laptop went into investor mode and wont allow me place a new order.... please help!!!!

Your laptop didn't go into inverstor mode, you've logged into your trading account with the investor password.

You need to login with your account's master password as Sergey already suggested.

You can recover or reset your master password through your broker's members area.