Ask and bid price in BUY and SELL order

Hi all, I have a question regarding ask and bid price. If I want to buy then I use the ask price, if I want to sell I use the bid price. What I want to ask if I want to close the order, if I want to close the buy order, do I close it at the ask price or the bid price?

Luandre Ezra:
Hi all, I have a question regarding ask and bid price. If I want to buy then I use the ask price, if I want to sell I use the bid price. What I want to ask if I want to close the order, if I want to close the buy order, do I close it at the ask price or the bid price?


Closing a buy means openning a reverse equal volume sell, same logic goes to closing a sell

Luandre Ezra:
Hi all, I have a question regarding ask and bid price. If I want to buy then I use the ask price, if I want to sell I use the bid price. What I want to ask if I want to close the order, if I want to close the buy order, do I close it at the ask price or the bid price?


A buy order is opened at ask and closed at bid. Opposite for a sell.


Hi All

i want to buy if the current sell position order is > the the ask price means logic manner that to buy order is less than sell order many time my position in between buy and sell so i want to code if current sell position bid price is greater than my new buy ask price and vise versa when i sell should not the bid price is less than the buy ask price

another thing i want to make buy order if price go up and sell if price go down for 20 pips but not open more than one position for the same pair 

any one help me please i will be very appreciated

thanks for all   


Hi everyone, i`m trying to get the Ask price but i cant get the code for that mql5 Ask price, please i need help my both Ask price and Bid price..

Chris Bassey #:  Hi everyone, i`m trying to get the Ask price but i cant get the code for that mql5 Ask price, please i need help my both Ask price and Bid price..

I suggest you invest more time in learning MQL and referencing the documentation.

double dbAsk = SymbolInfoDouble( _Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK ),
       dbBid = SymbolInfoDouble( _Symbol, SYMBOL_BID );

Or alternatively ...

MqlTick oTick; // Tick data object
if( SymbolInfoTick( _Symbol, oTick ) ) {
   Print( "Ask: ", oTick.ask,  ", Bid:", );