received payment deleted - page 2

Mhmm could be but then they had to say it before :/

Maybe, as Turker said, your rating drop so your payment also drop

Plsease check you rating.


Maybe, as Turker said, your rating drop so your payment also drop

Plsease check you rating.

No rating increased...if i check my agents they say i earned for example 7 ct...i received the 7 ct and i saw it under "payments" then one day i lost money and looked under "payments" and saw that some positions with money i received were deleted.

Hi Rinor, 

You should check the money you get from agents providing compared to the money you spend for energy supply...



Hi Rinor, 

You should check the money you get from agents providing compared to the money you spend for energy supply...


Service desk said:" We Are investigating This issue" so now The Problem will ne solved.

haha yes Remi, there is a big difference :D

Okay i got my Money back. Thanks for that
well i only had some of my posts deleted and rate dropped.
well i only had some of my posts deleted and rate dropped.
That sounds about right to me?  Since posts count towards Rating, its only logical that if posts are removed that your rating will drop.  The real question is - why were the posts deleted ?
That sounds about right to me?  Since posts count towards Rating, its only logical that if posts are removed that your rating will drop.  The real question is - why were the posts deleted ?
Because posting to get rating points, without any content, is not allowed.