Need help ! - page 2

Alexandru Nuţă:

My manager insists not to close them and let them go on their own because they will recover. Can I be fooled in this situation?

They may recover and they may not. There are no guarantees with trading.

You do not have enough knowledge to trade so I hope that you are trading with a demo account and not real money.


hey i was having same situacions for my self, so do not close the positions they will come back in 0 and maybe more in good traders says,,stinking is a thinking. 

just some times its taking time to wait more than 5 days or even more

Laurynas Anfo:

hey i was having same situacions for my self, so do not close the positions they will come back in 0 and maybe more in good traders says,,stinking is a thinking. 

This is bad advice, there are no guarantees that any position will return to break-even over time.

What you are describing is simply "Hold and Hope" which leads to many a blown account.

Alexandru Nuţă:

My manager insists not to close them and let them go on their own because they will recover. Can I be fooled in this situation?

Please take time. It seems you're starting very new. From the look of things, you absolutely don't know what you're doing.
You're going to blow your account if you don't quit now. Forget about the money you're thinking you could possibly make and
have more knowledge about trading before you do what you're doing now. 

Please, stay safe. After diving in more deeper in knowledge about forex trading, you'll look back to what you're doing now 

and realize that you've done one of the worst mistakes in this business.

I'm just hoping this is a demo account. Good Luck.