ChartNavigate doesn't seem to set charts accurately to the correct position


"Chart Navigate" doesn't seem to set charts accurately to the correct position requested, is there a known bug, and if so is there a know workaround.

I can provide my code, I'm trying to draw 3 additional time frames charts, 5M, 15M & 1H, in an EA running in a 1M chart and synchronise them all from the position in the 1M chart as I scroll back and forward in the 1M chart. My EA works on general, but the ChartNavigate function when setting it to an offset from the Chart_END doesn't set it to the position expected. A subsequent ChartGetInteger confirms its reasonably accurate when scrolling the 1M for a few bars then it begins to go increasingly wrong on the different charts without any apparent consistently.

I'm then aiming to practise paper trading by scrolling the 1M forward from a selected point and trade depending on the status of all the 4 synchronised charts.  

Any help would be appreciated.


Documentation on MQL5: Chart Operations / ChartNavigate
Chart Operations / ChartNavigate - Documentation on MQL5