CTree class


I'm after any tutorial about CTree class and more specific the purpose and functionality Comapre method from CObject .

The documentation is vary basic about this subject and there is none Articles about it.

Im after any example from where I can understand a purpose and use of CTree class ..My goal is to use it in building evaluation tree (  2+3*(5+4)  ) but I try to use the Standard Lib ( just learning new stuff).

Example does not have to be about this  ...i'm after anything to help me understand Compare() method

Thank You and Regards :)


below code is just an example   ...I'm after any simple example  of usage CTree class, or any link related to help me understand it :)

// example cell   ...as simple as possible
// and a goal is to build  a tree

enum badgeType
BT_Unknown = 0,
BT_Operator = 1,
BT_Number = 2

class CBadge : public CTreeNode
badgeType  type ;
string     value;