ObjectCreate issue



I have some code that removes all hlines from a chart then creates new lines. There seems to be an issue wherby after I've used ObjectsDeleteAll() and then create a hline object the function returns true but no line is created. If i remove the ObjectsDeleteAll() function before the lines are createde correctly. Any ideas?

Heres part of the code...

void OnStart()
   long chartIds[];
   long chartId;  
   // ask user user if they want to keep or remove existing Hline objects
   int mBoxResult = MessageBox("Keep exisiting lines?","Draw line Objects",MB_YESNOCANCEL);
      for(int i=ArraySize(chartIds)-1;i>=0;i--)
         string symbolName = ChartSymbol(chartId); 
         // declare array to store line structure
         lineData hLines[];

         // open and read file
         bool readResult = getSandR(chartId, hLines);
         //plot the chart objects
         if (readResult)
            if (mBoxResult != IDCANCEL)
              if (mBoxResult == IDNO)
              bool plotResult = plotHLine(chartId, hLines);

bool plotHLine(long chartId, lineData &hLines[])
   // get number of lines
   int objTot = ArraySize(hLines);
   for (int iObj=0;iObj<objTot;iObj++)
      datetime timeNow = TimeCurrent();
      string objName = string(timeNow) + string(MathRand());
      //create new object
      bool cmdSent = ObjectCreate(chartId,objName,OBJ_HLINE,0,Time[0],hLines[iObj].price);
      bool found = ObjectFind(chartId,objName);
      Alert("create cmd sent=",cmdSent,"Obj Found? = ",found);
      //set line to ray style
   return true;

  void rmvAll_HlineObjects(long chartId)
    Alert("Delete Objects on chartID=",chartId);