[Help] Weird exponential values (even negative) when I print my data of price and rsi



I want to fill these arrays with high and low values of rsi and price. When I use a position of 5 it prints fine (see the first 4 rows of the photo, these are pricehighs, pricelows, rsihighs and rsilows). The moment I use a bigger position to search throught the data 10, 15,... I get weierd exponential data (huge and negative numbers). I have no idea how this came into my code as I haven't dont any calculation to alter the data, what can be happening here? My results are even negative!

This my code:

#include <indicators/indicators.mqh>

CIndicators  g_indicators;
CiRSI       *g_rsi;
CiClose     *g_close;

float pricelows [];
float pricehighs [];
float rsilows []; 
float rsihighs [];

int AR = 10;

int OnInit() {


    g_close = new CiClose();
    g_rsi = new CiRSI();

    bool setup = (
        g_close.Create(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT)
        && g_rsi.Create(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, 14, PRICE_CLOSE)
        && g_indicators.Add(g_close)
        && g_indicators.Add(g_rsi)
    if (!setup)
        return INIT_FAILED;
    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;

void OnTick() {


     //Define lenght of search 
     int position = AR;

//----------------------------------------------------------------Make array of lowers and highers    
     for (int i = 0; i < position; i++)
         if(g_close.GetData(i) < g_close.GetData(i+1))
             ArrayFill(pricelows, i, 1, g_close.GetData(i)); 
         if(g_close.GetData(i) > g_close.GetData(i+1))
             ArrayFill(pricehighs, i, 1, g_close.GetData(i));                     
     for (int i = 0; i < position ; i++)
         if(g_rsi.Main(i) < g_rsi.Main(i+1))
             ArrayFill(rsilows, i, 1, g_rsi.Main(i));
         if(g_rsi.Main(i) > g_rsi.Main(i+1))
             ArrayFill(rsihighs, i, 1, g_rsi.Main(i));      

and this is my result: See attached image

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Even If I change m size to 5 I get the weird huge negative data

Your code
if(g_close.GetData(i) < g_close.GetData(i+1))
             ArrayFill(pricelows, i, 1, g_close.GetData(i)); 
if(g_close.GetData(i) < g_close.GetData(i+1))
             pricelows[i] = g_close.GetData(i); 
You only fill some elements of your arrays. The rest have garbage.