Can what I want be done with so called Backtesting?



I have been checking some youtube videos about Backtesting. Not just to learn how this can be done (I still don't know it) but particularly to find out whether what I want can be done with Backtesting or not - if my desire is even possible in MT4. Although I have zero development knowledge and also didn't do any backtesting in the past, which means my assumption whether it is possible or not has near zero credibility, I would guess that my desire has around 50% possibility to be implemented. So it can happen I get the answer saying "no way to do this" but I need someone experienced for such comment.

Currently, as a buyer of course, I have two MT development projects in progress, one follows soon. Another probably within 2020. Therefore I have no budget to pay in freelance section for what I will describe in this message. Would appreciate if anyone can please either offer some help or at least forward me to the right direction.

What I want is the following: I bought custom build EA which is NOT a robot. It doesn't open any trading position and neither closes or modifies any. It is special alert system which finds some unique patterns on charts on defined trading symbols on defined time frames based on additionally formed confirmation candles. There are a lot of rules for those patterns in order to be valid and a lot of rules for confirmation candle(s), to be formed upon pattern formation, in order for alert to be produced. Many conditions have to perfectly happen so alert can pop up in the MT4's window. The system is pretty much based on idea of rather NOT having alert than having inappropriate alert or alert which doesn't exactly fit the functionality of the EA. That tool works well and I like it. It means a lot to me and original developer, to whom I paid, did very good job.


When I open the tool to attach it on wanted chart (or maybe tool is already attacked to it when running MT), I see in the window the tabs About, Common and Inputs. I will be talking only about Inputs tab.  This tab is basically a Settings tab and it includes feature to load my own preset file. In the entire content of the Inputs tab (Settings), I see many different settings where can I choose almost anything I want. All of them are important but few of those lines of settings have extreme importance because absolutely everything on produced alert (its quality) is based on those few settings lines with extreme importance. They are numeric based but with decimal point which is usually ".0" without the quotes, e.g. 10.0 It is important to understand that I am the one who must use the most ideal values with the right combination in all those extreme importance lines in order to get the most perfect alert which results into large trend's direction to be done ( not just few points/pips but as large as possible WITHOUT retracement of a trend) upon produced alert. The complexity of the value combination is by far higher than most complex lottery system. There, in lottery system, may be limited quantity of numbers what can be crossed/circled/picked for draw event but here the number what to type in the line for each of the most extreme importance few lines of settings, is endless. So multiplying endless of possibilities with quantity of available time frames in MT4 (9) makes 9 times infinitude assuming that I would like to have the most perfect values for the most perfect alert for each available chart time frame. If we guess that brokers in average offer for trading around 70 available currency pair symbols and if I would want to each currency pair PER each time frame, the most perfect combination of values on those extreme importance few setting lines, this makes it 630 times infinitude. Having said that we are not talking about billions but about trillions of possibilities what the most perfect values combinations could be. Obviously I am referring to average best performing values per each currency pair per each time frame.

The quality of alert is judged based on the following criteria (just like underlined above): After alert occurs, the trend must go in one direction, either up or down, for as large as possible distance (as many as possible points) without retracement or even flat market. It is extremely important that trend will be going to the same identical direction as it starts to go when alert occurs. As weird as it sounds but I don't care if the direction of a trend is the opposite comparing to pattern's theory which is, in education material, saying it will go in one exact direction. I don't care if it goes to opposite one because I have strategy behind that takes care of this. For me is important, as the main criteria of alert quality, that it goes into one direction as far as possible without retracement (first subcriteria) and that the direction is the same as the starting one which occurs immediately after alert is produced (second subcriteria).

So the values in most extreme importance few lines of settings will define the quality of alert and the quality of alert is directly related (judged) to explained criteria (first and second subcriteria).

My question: Is there any tool or any method of Backtesting or any method of whatever else in MT that would analyze the values for every currency pair and every time frame and report to me all 630 values combinations of in average best performing values: per currency pair per time frame? With best matching criteria (both first and second subcriteria).

Basically I'm asking if Backtesting can only work with menu Tools\History Center or can it work also with numeric values located in the Inputs tab of EA? If History Center only, what other approach/method/tool should I use to do what I described?

Your reply or even private message to me would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you a million times in advance!

It's technically possible, but would require a lot of workarounds.