not all control paths return a value.


ok I have tried to find an answer but I'm not seeing it. I have searched the forums but none of the solutions seem to apply to me. I'm probably wrong though. the error is on the final "}". Thanks for your patience.

//Function to Check the last 100 candles(trendLegth) to look for a trend
bool bullTrend()
   for(i = 1; i < trendLength; i++){
      candleValue = Close[i];
      double movingAverageValue = iMA(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT, 200, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i);
      if(movingAverageValue < candleValue){
         }else up = 0;
              if(up > 40)
              return true;
              else return false;

ok I have tried to find an answer but I'm not seeing it. I have searched the forums but none of the solutions seem to apply to me. I'm probably wrong though. the error is on the final "}". Thanks for your patience.

try this one 

//Function to Check the last 100 candles(trendLegth) to look for a trend
bool bullTrend()
   bool retval=false;
   for(i = 1; i < trendLength; i++)
      candleValue = Close[i];
      double movingAverageValue = iMA(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT, 200, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i);
      if(movingAverageValue < candleValue)
         up = 0;
      if(up > 40)
Kenneth Parling:

try this one 

Thanks for that Kenneth. I removed the brackets for the for loop and the error went away. I dont understand this. I thought the for loop needed brackets.


Thanks for that Kenneth. I removed the brackets for the for loop and the error went away. I dont understand this. I thought the for loop needed brackets.

You're welcome! Main problem was not all control paths return a value in your code, i did a slightly different version beside yours and i removed unnecessary brackets.


Thanks for that Kenneth. I removed the brackets for the for loop and the error went away. I dont understand this. I thought the for loop needed brackets.

You do need brackets in for, while and if statements....unless the next statement is completed in a single line.

So, this


is the same as


but, VERY different from


You do need brackets in for, while and if statements....unless the next statement is completed in a single line.

So, this

is the same as

but, VERY different from

break must be used with a loop or switch statement in first example as follow and the other two written as followed;

void test()//1st
   for(i=0; i<array_size; i++)

void test2()//2nd
   for(i=0; i<array_size; i++)
void test3()//3rd
   for(i=0; i<array_size; i++)