Coronavirus is Causing Australian and New Zealand Currency to Move Irattically

Anybody else notice that the Pacific currencies are really getting wild during the Coronavirus hysteria ?
Clifford Bryan:
Anybody else notice that the Pacific currencies are really getting wild during the Coronavirus hysteria ?

Yes. That is natural.


So if you are in some good short positions at the moment it would be a good idea to go and read the fine print of your brokers terms and conditions about what happens to your contracts when a global pandemic is declared.

Sometimes there could be an extra clause that will void all contracts under certain circumstances and it would be a pity if found out too late.

Marco vd Heijden:

So if you are in some good short positions at the moment it would be a good idea to go and read the fine print of your brokers terms and conditions about what happens to your contracts when a global pandemic is declared.

Sometimes there could be an extra clause that will void all contracts under certain circumstances and it would be a pity if found out too late.

I like to see some examples if they have.

Daniel Stein:
Why this comment was deleted as is, but the post kept without any content ?