Annoying visual tester issue (on history)


When changing an input parameter in the source of an ea that is run thru meta-editor mql5 visual tester for history data, the old value still persists.

As an example, run this ea using visual tester run in mql5: 

input bool inpTest=true;

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
Put a break point in return(INIT_SUCCEEDED) and watch the value of inpTest. Now change it's value or even change it's type like that:
input double inpTest=5.3;

Run again, stop at breakpoint and watch the value. It seems that the visual tester when run from editor has global variables for inputs and it does not assign them newly at each run.

*-in tester non-visual run from editor, this does not happen.
**-forgot to clarify - only for debug on history data (from metaeditor)


I also have issues with inputs over the last 2 builds (official releases). I ended up using:

#define USE_INPUTS


	input int inMagic = 4;     // inMagic

	int inMagic = 4;     // inMagic

Not the most elegant solution but has saved me from the agony.