add review dosen't appear

hello guys,i can't see my review tab i just see the add comment one but the add review disable can you help me to figure out how to review some ea thnx
hello guys,i can't see my review tab i just see the add comment one but the add review disable can you help me to figure out how to review some ea thnx

You can leave a review only if you've purchased a product.

Make sure that you haven't left a review already.

If you have, you can always edit it.

Eleni Anna Branou:

You can leave a review only if you've purchased a product.

Make sure that you haven't left a review already.

If you have, you can always edit it.

thnx Eleni for ur reply 

i did purchase one and i got one free but i still cant review the free one


thnx Eleni for ur reply 

i did purchase one and i got one free but i still cant review the free one

You need to have it installed in your platform first, in order to be able to leave a review.