MQL4 Convert indicator to EA for backtest

I need to backtest The COG Indicator but in mt4 it's only possible to test EA not indicators, can somebody help me to convert this to a EA it's for backtest only.

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 RoyalBlue 
#property indicator_color2 LimeGreen
#property indicator_color3 LimeGreen 
#property indicator_color4 Goldenrod
#property indicator_color5 Goldenrod
extern int bars_back = 100;
extern int m = 2;
extern int i = 0;
extern double kstd = 2.0;
extern int sName = 1102;
double fx[], sqh[], sql[], stdh[], stdl[];
double ai[10,10], b[10], x[10], sx[20];
double sum;
int    ip, p, n, f;
double qq, mm, tt;
int    ii, jj, kk, ll, nn;
double sq, std;
int init()
   IndicatorShortName("Center of Gravity");
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, 2 );
   SetIndexBuffer(0, fx);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, sqh);
   SetIndexBuffer(2, sql);
   SetIndexBuffer(3, stdh);
   SetIndexBuffer(4, stdl);
   p = MathRound(bars_back);
   nn = m + 1;
   ObjectCreate("pr" + sName, 22, 0, Time[p], fx[p]);
   ObjectSet("pr" + sName, 14, 159);
int deinit()
   ObjectDelete("pr" + sName);
int start()
   int mi;
   ip = iBarShift(Symbol(), Period(), ObjectGet("pr" + sName, OBJPROP_TIME1));
   p = bars_back; 
   sx[1] = p + 1;
   SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Bars - p - 1);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Bars - p - 1);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Bars - p - 1);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(3, Bars - p - 1);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(4, Bars - p - 1); 
   for(mi = 1; mi <= nn * 2 - 2; mi++)
      sum = 0;
      for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
         sum += MathPow(n, mi);
      sx[mi + 1] = sum;
   for(mi = 1; mi <= nn; mi++)
      sum = 0.00000;
      for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
         if(mi == 1)
            sum += Close[n];
            sum += Close[n] * MathPow(n, mi - 1);
      b[mi] = sum;
   for(jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
      for(ii = 1; ii <= nn; ii++)
         kk = ii + jj - 1;
         ai[ii, jj] = sx[kk];
   for(kk = 1; kk <= nn - 1; kk++)
      ll = 0; mm = 0;
      for(ii = kk; ii <= nn; ii++)
         if(MathAbs(ai[ii, kk]) > mm)
            mm = MathAbs(ai[ii, kk]);
            ll = ii;
      if(ll == 0)

      if(ll != kk)
         for(jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
            tt = ai[kk, jj];
            ai[kk, jj] = ai[ll, jj];
            ai[ll, jj] = tt;
         tt = b[kk]; b[kk] = b[ll]; b[ll] = tt;
      for(ii = kk + 1; ii <= nn; ii++)
         qq = ai[ii, kk] / ai[kk, kk];
         for(jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
            if(jj == kk)
               ai[ii, jj] = 0;
               ai[ii, jj] = ai[ii, jj] - qq * ai[kk, jj];
         b[ii] = b[ii] - qq * b[kk];
   x[nn] = b[nn] / ai[nn, nn];
   for(ii = nn - 1; ii >= 1; ii--)
      tt = 0;
      for(jj = 1; jj <= nn - ii; jj++)
         tt = tt + ai[ii, ii + jj] * x[ii + jj];
         x[ii] = (1 / ai[ii, ii]) * (b[ii] - tt);
   for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
      sum = 0;
      for(kk = 1; kk <= m; kk++)
         sum += x[kk + 1] * MathPow(n, kk);
      fx[n] = x[1] + sum;
   sq = 0.0;
   for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
      sq += MathPow(Close[n] - fx[n], 2);
   sq = MathSqrt(sq / (p + 1)) * kstd;
   std = iStdDev(NULL, 0, p, MODE_SMA, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, i) * kstd;
   for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
      sqh[n] = fx[n] + sq;
      sql[n] = fx[n] - sq;
      stdh[n] = fx[n] + std;
      stdl[n] = fx[n] - std;
   ObjectMove("pr" + sName, 0, Time[p], fx[p]);
Tot left of the strategy tester settings window, you can choose between Expert Advisor and Indicator. (click on the arrow.)
Otavio Barreto: can somebody help me to convert this to a EA
Don't try to do that. There are no buffers, no IndicatorCounted() or prev_calculated. No way to know if older bars have changed or been added (history update.)
Just get the value(s) of the indicator(s) into the EA (using iCustom) and do what you want with it.
You should encapsulate your iCustom calls to make your code self-documenting.
          Detailed explanation of iCustom - MQL4 programming forum