Cant Access other users Product Pages


Hello , i noticed if i navigate to my profile and click on products i can see my product page ,but ,

if i do the same on anyone elses page a 404 page not found is returned . 

Thats on Opera  , let me check with a normal browser too.(Win7 professional 64bit) *From the Desktop Browser that is , will test mobile too

Update : 

  • [mobile]When accessing the website from the mobile phone , if user is not logged in they cannot see product pages of users if they navigate through their profile .(they must login)
  • [mobile]Same from the Market , if user navigates to a product ,then to its creator profile, then to the products link, a log-in prompt is thrown  
  • [desktop]The above points are valid for desktop too

Same behavior in all browsers 

firefox screenshot : 

(what happened in the above screenshot) : 

  1. I was logged out , fresh firefox install
  2. I navigated to a users profile 
  3. Clicked on their products link (the seller page) 
  4. A log-in screen appeared
  5. I logged in 
  6. and then A 404 was thrown
Signal Pages seem to be OK , no 404 , no login prompt.
Seems, it works now.


Products page in profile fixed.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Thank you .