Help Needed



Hi Experts

I have created this Label but unable to sort this label.


   SetLabel("objSymbol", "Symbol", White, 1050, 40);

   SetLabel("objTrades", "#", White, 990, 40);

   SetLabel("objLots", "Lots", White, 900, 40);

   SetLabel("objOpenPnL", "Current", White, 760, 40);

   SetLabel("objClosedPnL", "Today", White, 650, 40);




   totlots =0.0; tottrades = 0.0; totopnl =0.0; totcpnl =0.0;

   for (int i =0; i <=20; i++) {

      if(StringLen(symbols[i])==0) break;

      Output_Row(i, symbols[i]);


   int row = i;

   int clr = Lime; if(totcpnl <0) clr = Red;

   int clr2 = Lime; if(totopnl <0) clr2 = Red;

   SetLabel("objSymbol" + row, "GRAND TOTAL", Aqua, 980, 266+ (row + 1)*19,1,20);

   SetLabel("LINE" + row, "------------------------------- xx --------------------------------------------", White,654, 1300+ (row + 1)*19,1,18);

  // SetLabel("objTrades" + row, DoubleToStr(tottrades,0), Aqua, 220, 25 + (row + 1)*19);

  // SetLabel("objLots" + row, DoubleToStr(totlots,2), Aqua, 170, 25 + (row + 1)*19);

   SetLabel("objOpenPnL" + row, DoubleToStr(totopnl,2), clr2, 800, 260 + (row + 1)*19,1,26);

   SetLabel("objClosedPnL" + row, DoubleToStr(totcpnl,2), clr, 637, 260 + (row + 1)*19,1,26);









void Output_Row(int row, string sym)


   SetLabel("objSymbol" + row, sym, Yellow,1030, 50 + (row + 1)*30);

   double trades =0;

   double lots = 0.0;

   double opnl = 0.0;

   double cpnl =0.0;

   double clots = 0.0;

   double ctrades = 0;

   int pos = 1, lcolor = DimGray;

   for(int i =0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++) {

      OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);

      if((OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber || MagicNumber == -1 ) && OrderType ()== OP_BUY  && OrderSymbol() == sym || OrderType ()== OP_SELL && OrderSymbol()==sym) {

         opnl += OrderProfit()+OrderCommission()+OrderSwap();

         lots += OrderLots();

         trades +=1;

         if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) pos = -1;




   if (pos == 1) lcolor = Lime;

   if (pos ==-1) lcolor = Red;

   int clr = Black; if(opnl <0.0) clr = Red; if(opnl >0.0) clr = Lime;

   int clr1 = Black; if(trades >0) clr1 = White; if(trades >5) clr1 = Red;

   int clr2 = Black; if(lots >0) clr2 = Lime;

   int clr3 = Lime; if(opnl <0) clr3 = Red;


   SetLabel ("objTrades" + row, DoubleToStr(trades,0), clr1, 990, 50 + (row + 1)*30);

   SetLabel("objLots" + row, DoubleToStr(lots,2), clr2, 900, 50 + (row + 1)*30);

   SetLabel("objOpenPnL" + row, DoubleToStr(opnl,2), clr, 775, 50 + (row + 1)*30) ;

I want to sort the label ascending or descending either as per number of open trades in an instrument or as per running profit or loss.

will appreciate the help 


You can write it into an array and sort the array
You can write it into an array and sort the array
Can u plz help, I dont know how to write the array and sort that up, make array out of this label data and make a ArraySort.