I'm Reporting MQL5/MT5 Bugs Here

I have created this thread to have a place to report MQL5/MT5 bugs with sample codes and pictures. I don't expect to get answers, just trying to help make this platform better.
Warning for overloaded methods

For the following code I'm getting this warning:

class A
   void Add(){}

class B: public A
   void Add(int x)

the B::Add(int x) function is an overloaded version of A::Add(). Logically I expect the compiler to consider it as the following code:

class B
   void Add(){}
   void Add(int x)

The problem is where you want to extend a generic class, a simple call to the Add function has to be written like:

AGenericClass<ulong, CHashMap<int, CObject*>*>::Add();

So I think hidden method calling is a good feature, but unfortunately it's going to be disabled in a future version.

It is not a bug. 

This was already posted somewhere but can not find the link.


 void Add(int x)
Enrique Dangeroux:

It is not a bug. 

This was already posted somewhere but can not find the link.


Your code will generate the same warning. Right now MQL5 is working like java. Removing this deprecated behavior as said in the warning makes it work like C++.  

The only workaround is:

   void Add(int x)
Ehsan Tarakemeh:

Your code will generate the same warning. Right now MQL5 is working like java. Removing this deprecated behavior as said in the warning makes it work like C++.  

The only workaround is:

Which is the intention of MQ developpers, there was all a discussion about it on Russian forum. There is no bug.

I understand that methods calls needs to be qualified but how to qualify the iCustom function? I get the same warning here: 

   m_zz_handle = iCustom(Symbol(),0,"MyZigZag.mq5",m_zz_depth,m_zz_deviation,m_zz_backstep);

-> ?::iCustom 

Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
  • www.mql5.com
//| Expert initialization function                                   | //| Expert deinitialization function                                 | //| Expert tick function                                             | //| test1                                                            |...