ObjectGet Question


Trying to grasp the use of ObjectGet.  Trying to get values of fib levels.  Not sure I'm using it right.  Just getting zero for returned value.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.






    ObjectSetFiboDescription(objname,0,"Low = %$");     
    ObjectSetFiboDescription(objname,1,"Mid Price = %$");     
    ObjectSetFiboDescription(objname,2,"High = %$"+"    "+Spread);  // 

    double LowPrice =  ObjectGet("Low = %$",OBJPROP_PRICE1); //  ( (ObjectGet(objname, 0); 

      Write("MP23163", Side, MP_X+40, MP_Y+8, "Low =  "+LowPrice, 8, "Tahoma", White);    

I think this comment will guide you in the right direction