More Documentation for smart Imports


Hi folks, states that there is basic .NET support since this release. But is there a bit more documentation?

  • Which .NET flavour is supported? Framework, Core, Standard and the corresponding version?
  • Any assumptions regarding namespace etc.?
  • Are functions with return types supported (public static string DoSomething(xxx))?
  • What are PODs in the sense of C#? PODs in C shouldn't have constructors, a struct in C# can have a constructor and so on.
  • Is there a roadmap concerning .NET support?

In my personal case I try to compile a DLL which targets .NET Standard 2.0. The IDE produces "smart" auto completion results in the MetaEditor. So it seems that reading the class name and function is possible. But it always produces these kinds of errors when compiling:

#import "Mql_Test.dll"

DllExports::DoSomething(string test);

// Produces: 'DllExports' is not a class, struct or union

Does anybody have a clue what is really supported?


MetaTrader 5 platform build 1930: Floating window charts and .Net libraries in MQL5
MetaTrader 5 platform build 1930: Floating window charts and .Net libraries in MQL5
  • 2018.10.26
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Now you can detach financial symbol charts from the trading terminal window. This feature is convenient when using multiple monitors. Thus, you may set the main platform window on one monitor to control your account state, and move your charts to the second screen to observe the market situation. To detach a chart from the terminal, disable...
Well, it turned out that the "smart" import only works if the name of the assembly "test.123.dll" must match the root namespace in the source "namespace test.123"... wow