It seems to be a problem in the instructions

void OnStart() 
   uchar  u_ch; 
   for(char ch=-128;ch<=127;ch++) 
      Print("ch = ",ch," u_ch = ",u_ch); 
      if(ch==127) break; 

When executing the program, the first time u_ch=ch,      ch=-128,u_ch=0.

However, when printing, ch= -128 u_ch= 128.

Why is u_ch not 127?It should be 255-128=127 when printing, right?

ch= -128  u_ch= 128 
   ch= -127  u_ch= 129 
   ch= -126  u_ch= 130 
   ch= -125  u_ch= 131 
   ch= -124  u_ch= 132 
   ch= -123  u_ch= 133 
   ch= -122  u_ch= 134 
   ch= -121  u_ch= 135 
   ch= -120  u_ch= 136 
   ch= -119  u_ch= 137 
   ch= -118  u_ch= 138 
   ch= -117  u_ch= 139 
   ch= -116  u_ch= 140 
   ch= -115  u_ch= 141 
   ch= -114  u_ch= 142 
   ch= -113  u_ch= 143 
   ch= -112  u_ch= 144 
   ch= -111  u_ch= 145 
helloea: Why is u_ch not 127?It should be 255-128=127 when printing, right?

No, because it has nothing to do with subtraction.

255 (decimal) as unsigned is FF (hex) or 1111 1111 (binary)
As signed, the high bit means negative.
The remaining bits mean 7F (hex) or 0111 1111 (binary) or 127 decimal.
Thus it is minus 127


However, when printing, ch= -128 u_ch= 128.

Why is u_ch not 127?It should be 255-128=127 when printing, right?

It is related to binary representation of char and uchar.

-128(char) is 1000 0000(BIN), the equivalent is 128(uchar) with the same bits: 1000 0000(BIN).

In this situation a typecasting is not performed, but the memory block is copied.

Typecasting is performed like the following scheme:

Typecasting Scheme

According to documentation:

Conversions between char and uchar, short and ushort, int and uint, long and ulong (conversions to both sides), may lead to the loss of data.