New Styler in MT5 Editor

Hello everyone,

With some recent update MT5 Editor recieved new styler format. I got used to old format which wasnt changed for years and I find it very userfriendly. I honestly do not like new version. It extends the code by many more extra lines. When you have 5k lines which turns into 6k lines by 1 shortcut, that makes coding much harder. Is there a way we could chose the format rules between old and new? Or at least option to have previous version? MT4 still has old format left. Or am I stupid and it just got different name in styler selection?

Menú Tools > Options then Styler tab

Edwin Artunduaga:

Menú Tools > Options then Styler tab

Default MetaQuotes Styler rules have changed. Others in a list are not the same. Im looking for older version of MetaQuotes styler
Georgiy Liashchenko:
Default MetaQuotes Styler rules have changed. Others in a list are not the same. Im looking for older version of MetaQuotes styler

ah yeah. Me too.

The closest I found to MQ Old so far is "Whitesmith"


I'm looking for older MetaQuotes styler too, this one is doing a mess with a lot of  "else if" statements

"Whitesmith" is  a good choice, but if you like to write a small method body in class declaration section, this one makes a mess too...