Text on top or below of candle?


Hey Guys,

can anyone help me,

i like to write small text on top or below of candles,

i can put an objects like arrow or wingding stuffs, however i want show value instead of arrow

oh and its for indicator not an ea.

i appreciate your insights in advance



i like to write small text on top or below of candles,

i can put an objects like arrow or wingding stuffs, however i want show value instead of arrow

oh and its for indicator not an ea.

You can check this out: https://docs.mql4.com/constants/objectconstants/enum_object/obj_text

OBJ_TEXT - Object Types - Objects Constants - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
OBJ_TEXT - Object Types - Objects Constants - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
  • docs.mql4.com
Anchor point position relative to the text can be selected from ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT enumeration. You can also change text slope angle using OBJPROP_ANGLE property. The following script creates several Text objects on the chart. Special functions have been developed to create and change graphical object's properties. You can use these functions...

thank you ^_^ exactly what i needed